What is Myofascial?

What is Myofascial?
I am always getting calls from people who are interested in getting myofascial work done because they have heard such good things about how it makes their friends and colleagues feel.  But as I start asking what they know about it, I find that most people either don’t know, or only have a vague notion as to what the word myofascial means.

Let’s start by breaking down the two components of the word. The prefix “myo” comes from the Latin for Muscle. Anytime you see the prefix “myo” it refers to the muscles.

So what exactly is “Fascial” or more specifically “Fascia?”

Think of Fascia as the “Connective tissue” in your body. In other words, it is the glue that holds the body together. If you consider an orange-  as we peel away the outer layer, the orange still holds its shape. Fascia serves the same purpose in the human body- it holds the body together.

Now, if we were to pull the sections of the orange apart, we would get distinctly shaped sections that, if we were to hold them together in our hand, would again fit into the distinct round shape we associate with the orange, and yet each individual shape is an entity unto itself. Think of these as the individual muscles in the body.  Fascia also runs between and into the muscles in our bodies.

Ideally, fascia is a  gelatinous substance that allows for optimal movement, while also doing its job of holding the body together. For many different reasons, the fascia in our bodies can get hard and less pliable. This can include acute trauma, a sedentary lifestyle, bad postural habits, and repetitive movement syndrome (can anyone say “sitting at the computer all day”?)

Myofascial bodywork (sometimes refered to as myofascial release, or myofascial trigger point therapy) attempts to take hardened misshapen fascia in the body and return it to its more fluid state. This allows the body to reposition itself to a healthier stance which helps to eliminate stored pain.

It is important to remember that all body work is essentially  myofascial work, as you can’t affect the muscles without also addressing the fascia.

Everything is connected in your body!

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How often should I get a massage?

This is probably the number one question I get asked from newcomers to massage. In a perfect world, we would all get a massage once or twice a week. This would help to ease our aches and pains and in the process help us to relax away our worries. But, of course, in reality this is not always possible. Everyone has different needs and we all have different budgets. To help determine the answer to how often you should get a massage, begin by asking yourself the following two questions:

What are my massage goals?

Are you looking for specific pain relief? Or are you just looking for time to relax and rebalance? Everyone has there own reasons for getting a massage and you need to determine your goals first. A person who is trying to relieve a frozen shoulder has different bodywork needs than someone who is feeling overwhelmed by her filled-to-capacity life. Decide what your bodywork goals are and discuss them with your massage therapist.

How much can I afford?

When you get a massage for the first time, chances are you are going to feel really good. I have had people tell me afterwards that they want to make massage part of their wellness routine. They may decide that they want to get a massage once a week. They will do this for a month and then realize they really can’t afford it. Instead of cutting back, they simply stop. Then they don’t come back until they are in real pain which is like starting over. This can become a vicious cycle of pain, relief, do nothing, pain–and around we go.

Regular massage is a proven way to stop the pain cycle in its tracks. Try setting a budget that includes a massage every three weeks, or even once a month. Then if finances permit, schedule them closer together. Scheduling a regular maintenance massage will help keep your aches and pains away, and in the process give you a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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